
Monday, September 21, 2020

Camp 2020!


Last week we went to a Camp out of kaitaia by Cooper's beach. I enjoyed it  a lot especially the sand boarding.

From the photos what do you think would be your favorite Part?

Friday, August 21, 2020

WALT: The learning process of Theses tan-grams was to find complex solutions to complex problems using an assortment of shapes.
My Favourite thing was being able to configure the shapes in any way possible without changing the shape.
Have you attempted a Tan-gram before if not give it a go :P

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Covid-19 safety slides

Staying Covid-19 safe

LI: To create a resource to remind our peers how to keep themselves and others safe during the
 covid-19 pandemic.
What would you add?

Friday, May 8, 2020

Myths and legends

This is a wanted poster for the bird woman in the myth of hatupatu and the bird woman.
What would your wanted poster look like ?

Friday, March 20, 2020


colossal magnificent
living breathing moving
life plants ... vacuum infinite
never ending expanding deepening 
infinite darkness


secure safe for all your things
A place were all is easy 
Home is a retreat

My Favourite part was thinking of what my Diamante earth and space descriptions would be.
What two poems would you chose.

Friday, March 13, 2020

W.A.L.T write a sense poem that includes all senses.


Anger looks like a raging fire
Anger sounds like screaming
Anger feels like your going to spontaneously combust
Anger moves like a raging forest fire
Anger smells like recently burned charcoal 


Safety looks like a harness connecting me to the world and stopping me from drifting away
Safety sounds like the comforting sound of my mother's voice
Safety feels like 3 inch thick steel around my heart
Safety moves like a cat after a mouse but a VPN on a virus
Safety smells like cocoa on a cold morning.

My Favourite part was thinking about what I'm going to think of for each one subject.
What subjects would you chose?